Hall of Fame
I have been thinking and in my thoughts, I puzzled on fame . Description From top left; an illustration of friends drifting apart, two people fighting and the third minding his business, one climbing up the stairs of Fame and the other helping by pushing him up and hoping he would pull him up the moment he gets there. From top right; an illustration of someone doing nothing but laying on the bed, one stabbing the other in conflict, and another who appears to have given up being tired of it all. A human head which appears out of darkness and seems to be trapped in a box right at the center. Discuss In our society today, the struggle to 'blow' or be famous and rich is everywhere and everyone seems to be involved in a way or another. It is worthy of acknowledgement that some people are actually selfless in their hustle and they do not mind making sacrifices to help others up. But more apparently, people are turning against one another in the competition for fame. It is b...
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