
Showing posts from February, 2021


  Divergence You stole my toy! She is fair and I am dark! Everyone likes you and hate me! Oh maybe I am the special one. They say I snore. I am older but never respected. I get all the grades and I am still not loved. He is a player and I am the gentleman, But he gets all the girls and I am still single. What if I am wired? Why am I different? Am I the block head of the house? Do I have an inferiority complex? Or I am really the inferior? I know we are siblings but Sometimes I wish I was born alone. But I can't stand seeing them in trouble Does that mean I still...? What do you think about siblings rivalry? Do you have any experiences? Comments:  Siblings rivalry is ok and healthy.  @latebloomer_runner

Born from the Dead

  Born from the Dead A painting and a silhouette expression of three different flowers growing from the same stem which grows right out if a Buried Baby's Belly Button. The hyssop - A symbol of substitution, transfer of guilt on the sacrificial lamb. (Reminds you of someone?) The Rose - A symbol of enduring passion, humility, perfection and eternal love.(only one man fits perfectly into that) The Dogwood - A symbol of ressurection and rebirth.(I bet you know who its all about now) Only the Gospel saves, it is the news that your sins are forgiven and God accepts you if you believe. It is Gods power to save man.  The seed (Jesus) fell to the ground and from him life eternal sprung up (Christ) at ressurection. He is alive today indwelling everyone who believes. Hallelujah!

Mélèki (I cannot welcome him)

  MÉLÈKI is an Ijebu name with 3 synllables ME-LE-KI (Mélèki). A sentence actually, yoruba will write it as  Mi ò lè Ki. (I can't greet him(her)).  My great grand father was an Àbíkú (stillbirth: post natal death) that eventually stayed! So I heard from my father who must have heard from his father who was a son to the man MELEKI that; He was given birth to a number of times and he kept dieing until this time, his parents (my great grand parents) weren't sure if he would live, so they named him mi o le Ki (I can't welcome him to the world).  Well, he lived.(I am a proud descendant: Timileyin of the house MELEKI). The issue of Abiku may have spiritual causes as they are known to come back with marks given them in their previous lives. It may also have biological and medical causes like syphilis, severe infection, malnutrition, sickle cell (genotype).  *The interesting truth is, there are possibilities that what was inferred to as the spiritual cause could be medi...